Logo Site Seal

As the Internet intertwines with our daily lives, the level of digital fraud is growing – and the user is well aware of it. Suppliers of goods and services must win the trust of their potential customers, and this is especially true for the world of e-commerce: if there is no trust, there is no desire to make a purchase. The first way to build customer trust is to ensure that the user is protected. If the customer sees that the site owner is doing all he can to ensure the security of his transactions, then the probability of making a purchase grows significantly.

The speech is also true: if the buyer understands that the owner of the site is not particularly concerned about the security of user data, the buyer will make his purchase on another site, where he will feel more secure. This is basic sanity: which online store inspires the most trust – with or without the SSL trust seal?

Impact of the Site Seal on conversions

Having understood this, it is not difficult to guess, and this is confirmed by statistics that the presence of an SSL certificate and a trust seal, which is provided by a certification center, directly affects the customer acquisition indicators, and this effect it is quite significant. For example, according to a study by VeriSign (Symantec) on the Central Reservation Service’s hotel room booking website, the conversion increased by 30% after the publication of a trust seal that said that SSL was protected by certificate.

The site seals increase control of the store center

Conversion is not all that is affected by the SSL trust seal. When a user trusts more than one website, he is ready not only to make a purchase but also to spend more money. This means that on the site with the trust seal installed, both the conversion and the average check are the most important indicators of the effectiveness of the online store.

As reported in a report on one of Comodo’s case studies, the conversion on the customer site increased by 11%, but beyond that site visitors spent 23% more on a single purchase than before. installation of the SSL certificate and the Comodo trust seal (Sectigo now). In light of these statistics, it is hardly surprising that the Netcraft analytics firm in 2011 determined that almost all the largest websites in the world have an SSL certificate with Extended Validation or simply with a Corporate Validation.

Advantages of the Site Seal

  • increase trust in the website and online business;
  • confirms that the organization has been verified by a trusted certification authority;
  • creating a sense of trust among visitors that is needed to complete transactions;
  • increase the conversion level of the site.
