Order blocked for manual control

Managers of Sectigo and DigiCert certification authorities require manual review of all orders if an order is reported for manual review / check.

It usually takes about 1-2 business days to review orders. Make sure your website is online and working while doing the manual check, as they may reject SSL if no website is loaded. There are multiple reasons why an order can be “frozen” for manual checking.

Most common reasons to get stuck for manual or brand validation

  • Some countries can be examined manually, for example South Korea, North Korea, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq;
  • Countries with restrictions. The order comes from countries such as Afghanistan (AF), Ivory Coast (CI), Cuba (CU), Eritrea (ER), Guinea (GN), Iraq (IQ), Iran (IR), Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (KP ), Liberia (LR), Myanmar (MM), Rwanda (RW), Sudan (SD), Sierra Leone (SL), South Sudan (SS), Syrian Arab Republic (SY), Zimbabwe (ZW).
  • The domain name includes the famous brand, for example, facebook-app.com, sony-shop.net, dellshop.com;
  • The domain name has a similar trademark, for example, your domain is “sibmama.com”, but the validation system may read it as “sIBMama” and mark the “IBM” trademark. Managers control these cases manually;
  • The domain name has “stop words”, for example, “pay, online, secure, booking, shop, bank, bank transfer, money, e-payment, payment, protection, violence, terrorists and others”, in this case also the validation will be manual;
  • The domain name is blacklisted OR has a bad reputation.
