Service Level Agreement – SLA

The  service level agreements  in the SLA acronym  are contractual instruments through which we define the service metrics that must be respected by us towards our customers / users, in fact, once the contract is entered into, they take on the meaning of contractual obligations .

The quality of the service offered by NABULAB is certified by the Service Level Agreement (SLA) which covers:

  • Network performance,
  • Hardware replacement times,
  • support response times,
  • domain visibility.

We guarantee defined times for each operation:

SLA hardware .

NABULAB guarantees the correct functioning of all its hardware, firewalls, load balancers, storage and switches; in the event of a hardware problem, the request for replacement of the faulty part will take place automatically within 4 hours, for dedicated servers, in the event of a hardware problem, the replacement of the faulty part will take place within 24 hours free of charge from the opening of the ticket.
This warranty does not include account restore from backup, RAID array rebuild, application installation and configuration.

SLA response time.

NABULAB technical assistance guarantees precise response times; support requests can be divided into two categories:

  1. emergency – response time 20 minutes from ticket opening. This category includes server downs, lost packets, routing problems.
  2. all other cases – response time 60 minutes after opening the ticket.

The request for support by the CUSTOMER will be assigned an identification code (ticket id) which will be answered within the times indicated above. NABULAB provides as an alternative channel for technical support telephone support H24 x 365GG via mobile number.
In the event that the response times exceed the reported times, NABULAB will refund the CUSTOMER 5% of the monthly service fee or 0.5% of the annual service fee.

Network Uptime SLA.

NABULAB guarantees for the connectivity of all systems 99.95% on an annual basis.
The uptime SLA provides for the operation of the entire network infrastructure, including routers, switches, servers and lines, as well as the reachability of the CUSTOMER server.
Downtime is considered the time in which the CUSTOMER is unable to reach his service for reasons not attributable to the same, the non-reachability of the service is recorded through the NABULAB monitoring system.
The downtime is measured from the moment when the down occurs, until the moment when the CUSTOMER service is able to receive and transmit data again.
The SLA does not include the operation of the software installed on the servers. In the event of interruptions of applications or services installed on the servers due to factors not attributable to NABULAB, including incorrect scripts or interactions between visitors and parts of sites that prove harmful to the system, the downtime period is not counted by NABULAB.

If the service uptime period, recorded by NABULAB monitoring systems is less than 99.95% on an annual basis, the CUSTOMER will be paid an economic refund equal to three times the service downtime period .

By way of explanation, on a service with an annual cost of € 1,000.00, if the annual downtime is 2% (equal to 98% uptime) the CUSTOMER will be paid, by way of reimbursement, an amount equal to € 60.00, that is: 3 * 2% of € 1,000.00

In no case will the total value of refunds paid during the year exceed twice the service fee.